Simple Escalation

Simple escalation workflow

An escalation workflow integrated with Atlassian JIRA using SonataFlow.


  • Access to a Jira server (URL, user and API token)
  • Access to an OpenShift cluster with admin Role

Workflow diagram

Escalation workflow diagram

Note: The value of the .jiraIssue.fields.status.statusCategory.key field is the one to be used to identify when the done status is reached, all the other similar fields are subject to translation to the configured language and cannot be used for a consistent check.

Application configuration

Application properties can be initialized from environment variables before running the application:

Environment variableDescriptionMandatoryDefault value
JIRA_URLThe Jira server URL
JIRA_USERNAMEThe Jira server username
JIRA_PROJECTThe key of the Jira project where the escalation issue is createdTEST
JIRA_ISSUE_TYPEThe ID of the Jira issue type to be created
OCP_API_SERVER_TOKENThe OpensShift API Server Token
ESCALATION_TIMEOUT_SECONDSThe number of seconds to wait before triggering the escalation request, after the issue has been created60
POLLING_PERIODICITY(1)The polling periodicity of the issue state checker, according to ISO 8601 duration formatPT6S

(1) This is still hardcoded as PT5S while waiting for a fix to KOGITO-9811

How to run

mvn clean quarkus:dev

Example of POST to trigger the flow (see input schema in ocp-onboarding-schema.json):

curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8080/ticket-escalation -d '{"namespace": "_YOUR_NAMESPACE_"}'


  • Visit Workflow Instances
  • Visit (Data Index Query Service)[http://localhost:8080/q/graphql-ui/]

Last modified September 24, 2024: Update website for 1.2 release (aaeb06f)