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Escalation With ServiceNow

    An escalation workflow integrated with ServiceNow using SonataFlow.

    Workflow diagram

    Escalation with serviceNow workflow diagram


    • An available ServiceNow instance with admin credentials.
    • Prerequisite data being available on ServiceNow instance with setup instructions found here
    • Janus-idp notifications service is deployed and functionally running with instructions found here.

    Specifics about Notifications service

    • Add the manager user in notifications-backend/users.yaml and your file could look something like this
    kind: User
      name: guest
        displayName: Guest User
      memberOf: []
    kind: User
      name: manager
        displayName: Manager Approver User
      memberOf: []
    • Restart the notifications service
    yarn start:backstage
    • Be sure the create notification call from the command line works successfully.
    curl -X POST http://localhost:7007/api/notifications/notifications -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"title": "My message title", "message": "I have nothing to say", "origin": "my-origin", "targetUsers": ["default/manager"]}' | jq '.'
    • An example response could look like this
        "messageId": "942b0aa0-79d4-46a7-a973-47573fa19543"

    Workflow application configuration

    Application properties can be initialized from environment variables before running the application:

    Environment variableDescriptionMandatory
    SN_SERVERThe ServiceNow server URL
    SERVICENOW_USERNAMEThe ServiceNow server username
    SERVICENOW_PASSWORDThe ServiceNow server password

    How to run

    Start the workflow application

    mvn clean quarkus:dev

    Trigger/start the workflow

    # This is a request sent to the workflow instance
    CREATE_CR_RESP=$(curl -XPOST -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://localhost:8080/servicenow-escalation -d '{
        "description": "<ServiceNow change request description>",
        "short_description": "<ServiceNow change request short_description>",
        "comments": "<ServiceNow change request comments>",
        "state": "new",
        "assigned_to": "<ServiceNow Approver user sys_id> e.g. 950597b6973002102425b39fe153af41",
        "additional_assignee_list": "<ServiceNow Approver user sys_id> e.g. 950597b6973002102425b39fe153af41",
        "assignment_group": "<ServiceNow Approver group sys_id> e.g. e50597b6973002102425b39fe153afb2",
        "sn_url": "https://<ServiceNow URL>"
    echo $CREATE_CR_RESP |  jq '.';
    • You should see a response similar to the following, which provides newly create change request information.
      "id": "99203918-3e8c-46a6-ba43-9a025172f8c2",
      "workflowdata": {
        "description": "Requester requesting an item",
        "short_description": "Requester requesting an item in short",
        "comments": "Requester requesting an item in comments",
        "state": "new",
        "assigned_to": "950597b6973002102425b39fe153af41",
        "additional_assignee_list": "950597b6973002102425b39fe153af41",
        "assignment_group": "e50597b6973002102425b39fe153afb2",
        "createdChangeRequest": {
          "result": {
            "sys_id": "6dfa4ff7973002102425b39fe153afed",
            "state": "-5",
            "number": "CHG0030045"
    • From the response above extract the sys_id of the newly created change request.
    CREATED_CR_SYS_ID=$( jq -r  '.workflowdata.createdChangeRequest.result.sys_id' <<< "${CREATE_CR_RESP}" );
    echo "${CREATED_CR_SYS_ID}";
    • Trigger the newly created change request for approval by changing its state to assessment state.
    TRIGGER_CR_CMD="curl --location --request PUT '${CREATED_CR_SYS_ID}' \
    --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
    --header 'Authorization: Basic <your auth header value>' \
    --data '{
        \"state\": \"-4\",
        \"approval\": \"requested\"
    eval $TRIGGER_CR_CMD | jq '.';
    • Wait for a minute or two before proceeding to the next step, to view notifications created by the workflow, to remind the approver to approve the created change request.

      • In the current implementation this reminder is generated every 30s by the workflow.
    • After this wait, login to notifications service’s postgres database console.

    • You will see reminder notification(s) created by Notifications service as shown in the following example.

                      id                  |                               message                               
     8a3c945d-9009-4188-a28e-17ceee853a99 | Manager, please approve the change request: CHG0030045

    End the workflow by approving the change request

    • Login to the ServiceNow instance UI with manager user and credentials.
    • Click All -> My Approvals menu item, in the resulting list, click the change request that was created.
    • In the change request detail screen, set the State to Approved and click Update.
    • As the change request is approved, you will see a thank you notification created by Notifications service as shown in the following example. Note: this may appear after a few seconds, as the workflow needs to wait for completion of the timeout event of 30s, before this notification is created.
                      id                  |                               message                               
     3e9cd0a6-c4c8-4ea1-973a-dbb063279397 | Manager, thanks a ton for approving the change request: CHG0030045


    • Visit Workflow Instances
    • Visit (Data Index Query Service)[http://localhost:8080/q/graphql-ui/]